The Better Blog

6 Benefits of Using Almond Oil for Your Hair

6 Benefits of Using Almond Oil for Your Hair

For generations, almond oil has been present in natural beauty routines. This versatile oil, extracted from sweet almonds, boasts a rich profile of vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids, making it a potent ally for our skin. But is almond oil good for hair? Does its magic work there too?
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Red Light Therapy for Hair Loss

Red Light Therapy for Hair Loss: What to Know

Our hair is a vital part of our identity for many of us. It frames our face, reflects our personality, and can significantly affect our confidence. But as we age, hair can become thinner, weaker, and more prone to loss. This can be a worrying and frustrating experience. 
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Butterfly haircut style for aging hair

The Butterfly Haircut: A Revitalizing Style for Aging Hair

As we age, our hair changes, potentially becoming thinner or graying. However, this doesn't hinder our ability to experiment with hairstyles. One of the timeless trends in haircuts for aging hair is the Butterfly Haircut. Not only is this style chic and modern, but it also imparts dynamism to the hair.
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What Are the Best Vitamins for Hair?

What Are the Best Vitamins for Hair?

As you age, you experience various body changes, including thinner skin, muscle loss, and the absorption of fewer vitamins. Lack of vitamins can affect your bones, skin, and immune system, and may take its toll on your hair and scalp. Unfortunately, there are no magic pills to give you long, flowing hair overnight; however, over time, a nutritious diet supplemented with vitamins can give your body what it needs to produce thicker, voluminous hair.
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Can My Hair Benefit from a Scalp Massage? A scalp massage is similar to a massage you might receive for your back, neck, or body. It utilizes gentler pressure to protect your follicles, and, unlike a body massage, you can perform it on yourself.

Can My Hair Benefit from a Scalp Massage?

If you have ever experienced a scalp massage, you know how relaxing it can be. When we get our hair shampooed at the salon, the stylist often gives us a simultaneous massage. A scalp massage is essentially the kneading and rubbing of your head, a profoundly calming process that relaxes your skull and neck muscles.

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